Islamic Party announced the assassination of their leader in Kubessah city (in Alanbar State), Mr Nazar Alkubessei who was killed by unknown gunmen.
The Party has been targeted recently by an organized campaign of assassinations by the Bathist and fundamentalist groups to their leaders and members.
Buratha News Agency (BNA) has previously published documents of Al qaida Plans to assassinate the Islamic Party members (of the Moslems Brotherhood Organization) to blame shias groups . This made the party mistakenly blame the Bader Organization and Jaesh Al Mahdi for this killing campign. Following continuous communications between the main groups in the parliament, the Eatilaf and AlTawafek - it is clear that the Badr organisation is not involved but there is doubt Jaesh Almahdi is innocent as well. The main suspected groups which have the interests to continue this campaign are the Bathist and fundamentalist groups.