English news

The Wahhabi-Saudi terrorism in Iraq

Save the life of Muslim Shia in Iraq from Saudi terrorists and condumn the Saudi-Wahhabist terrorism in Iraq Osama Al Najafi

It is not secret to indicate that most terrorism practised in Iraq is originated from the terrorists belongs to Wahhabism religious sect, whether they are belonging to the well-known organization Al Qaida or to another agendas benefited from the chaotic situation in Iraq. It however, should be clearly known that Islam as a religion calls for peace and good treatment to all humans, irrespective of their religion, ethnicity or sex. Mercy and compassion must be practised by a Muslim. And the well-know narrative or Hadith of prophet of Islam Muhammed (pbh) say that Give mercy to anything in this earth so that Allah (God) should give mercy to you. Any act that transgress or contradict these Islamic foundations must not be interpreted as being Islamic. However, Islam is being misused by those Al Qaida or Taliban terrorists so as to recruit more followers for their criminal agenda. At the tip of this pyramid sits the Wahhabi sect or so-called Wahhabism. Wahhabism is the official religious sect of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia finance, patronize and guide the Wahhabi movement. They claim that it is the pure Islam. But in fact there have been written tens of books and hundreds of essays that refute the argument that Wahhabism proceeds from Islamic principles. These books has been written by Islamic authorities from both schools of Islam, mainly Sunni and Shia. Many reports and evidence indicate the Saudi Arabia, and especially the Royal family is directly involved in performing massacres against Muslim Shia in Iraq as well as Christians. Therefore, we call for condemning the Wahhabism as a terrorist movement against humanity in the same way as done before to Nazism and Fascism.

An important issue to be taken into consideration here is the verdicts or fatwa that are being issued by Wahhabi authorities to kill every Muslim Shia and commit genocides against them. These fatawas, which are received blindly by the Wahhabis resulted in the bloody massacres committed nowadays in Iraq. This is a systematic and programmised strategy guided by the Saudi Royal family to create chaos in Iraq so that the majority Shia shall not seize power in Iraq. All in all, we would like to draw the attention of all humanity to the save the life of Muslim Shia in Iraq by forcing Saudi Royal family to condemn Wahhabism and not for finance terror group in Iraq. The International and humanitarian organizations in the world must now assume their responsibility in defending and protecting the innocent civilian Muslim Shia in Iraq.

اشترك في قناة وكالة انباء براثا على التلجرام
اضف تعليقك
الاسم والنص والتحقق من الروبوت ضروري
عبد الله
السعودية ممولة الارهاب العالمي بأوامر يهودية ماسونية ومباركة أمريكية خفية
Wahhabi movement is the root of the terror in the world and Saudi government is the supplier of them. All the 19 guys who did Sep/11 are Wahhabi and 15 of them are Saudis. Wahhabism and Saudis are the reason we have terrorism
for the latest political news on saudi arabia go to the following website> http://www.moltaqaa.com/
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