Sheikh Al-Sagheer press office- 9th September 2006
His Holiness Sheikh Jalal Al-Sagheer denied that the subject of federalism can be negotiated with any local or international sides. His holiness indicated in interview with number of T.V channels:
“Federalism is constitutional right for the main political and other components of Iraqi society and as a result it higher than can be discussed or reviewed”.
He confirmed:
“All dictators’ systems faced their countries disintegration option following their collapse. We proposed the principle of federalism to protect Iraq from disintegration which was approved by 78% of our Iraqi people during their vote on the constitution which means can’t be compromised.”
He indicated to some political blocks who expressed their fear from federalism because it represent the division, are lying in this matter. These blocks actually practice the division through the terror and fear taking place in their areas on sectarian bases. This resulted that their areas witness dirty sectarian cleansing which is the first serious step for the division. On the other hand these block defying the historical and political facts that the federalism proved to unify the disintegrated countries not dividing it. The best example is the united Arab Emirates which was scattered but became one country with strong economy and harmonious society because adopting the federal system.