في صفحة التعريف عن حياة جرذ العوجة منذ ولادته تقول إنسكلوبيديا وكيبيديا العالمية ان صدام بن صبحة عاش مع إمه صبحة وكانت قي حينها متزوجة إبراهيم الحسن وتقول الانسكلوبيديا ان إبراهيم الحسن علم صدام على مهنة سرقة الدجاج من بيوت العوجة وتسليمها إليه ليبيعها في الاسواق."Saddam Hussein was born in the town of Al-Awja, 8 miles (13 km) from the Iraqi town of Tikrit, to a family of shepherds. His mother, Subha Tulfah al-Mussallat, named her newborn son "Saddam," which in Arabic means "one who confronts." He never knew his father, Hussein 'Abd al-Majid, who died or disappeared 6 months before Saddam was born. Shortly afterward, Saddam's thirteen-year-old brother died of cancer, leaving his mother severely depressed in the final months of the pregnancy. Saddam's mother also tried to abort the baby by attempting suicide. The infant Saddam was sent to the family of his maternal uncle, Khairallah Talfah, until he was three. His mother remarried, and Saddam gained three half-brothers through this marriage. His stepfather, Ibrahim al-Hassan, treated Saddam harshly after his return. He was abusive and forced the young boy to steal chickens and sheep for resale."
وكالة أنباء براثا (واب)